The no.1 mistake you're making when seeking more self-confidence


Goal Mastery Newsletter

Unlock Your Mind & Master Goal Achievement Without Burnout.

"The best way to become self-confident: "Be the person you say you are."

Hey Reader

I want to share a personal insight today, one that has dramatically changed the way I view confidence and growth. If you’re someone who’s struggled with confidence in your life or career, this might just be the mindset shift you need to hear.

The #1 Mistake I Made When Seeking More Confidence:

I used to think confidence came from growing, adding more, and developing myself endlessly. It seemed logical—if I could learn more, do more, and achieve more, I’d eventually feel more confident.



What I failed to realise for years is that [real] confidence doesn’t always come from adding more layers to yourself. It actually comes from letting go.

Let me explain…

The Version of Me That Lacked Confidence

The version of myself that struggled with confidence was holding on—holding on to fear, doubt, and insecurity. I wa carrying these heavy weights everywhere I went.

I thought the solution was to constantly read and learn in order to grow, but really I was covering up the problem. I was so focused on what I needed to add to my life—more skills, more knowledge, more success. I believed if I could just become “more” of something, the self-doubt would magically disappear.

But that wasn’t the case.

Each achievement didn’t fill the void. Each new skill didn’t silence the self-doubt. If anything, the more I added, the more exhausted I became from carrying around the baggage of limiting beliefs that weighed me down.

The Breakthrough Moment: Letting Go

The real breakthrough came when I shifted my perspective. Instead of asking, “What can I add to become more confident?”

I started asking, “What do I need to let go of?”

It turns out it was about releasing what wasn’t serving me. The fears that held me back. The doubts that clouded my vision. The insecurities that whispered lies about my abilities.

It’s like walking around with a heavy backpack, constantly filling it with more stuff to make you feel “ready”—only to find out that what you need to do is simply put the backpack down.

Here’s What I Learned:

Real confidence doesn't come from being someone else - take the mask off.

Now, let’s break down how you can start building real, lasting confidence.

3 Simple Steps to Build More Self-Confidence:

  1. Identify what's holding you back...what fears or doubts are you carrying through your life that you don't need any longer?
  2. Remove those limiting beliefs AND behaviours. Growth doesn't always mean accumulating more 'stuff', you need to learn and develop from a strong foundation without past conditioning taking over your perspective.
  3. Ask yourself 'Who am I without my JOB/BUSINESS/RELATIONSHIP? [or any other title]. This is the most existential question you can ask yourself and it's not easy but you've been conditioned to play certain roles in your life, but that doesn't determine who you are..strip away the labels.

Confidence Comes From Within

I used to chase confidence by seeking external validation. I thought I had to earn it through achievements and external success. But what I’ve come to realize is that confidence was already within me. I just had to peel back the layers of doubt and fear to uncover it.

Want to Learn More About How To Apply This?

I’ve seen firsthand how powerful this approach can be, not just in my own life, but in the lives of my clients as well. Letting go of what’s holding you back is one of the most freeing experiences you can have.

Letting go of what exactly?

  • Behaviours
  • Habits
  • Mindsets
  • Patterns

On the topic on habits and mindsets...I have an opportunity for 5 of you who are feeling stuck regarding health, habits & weight loss.

The 10-day Health & Habit Accelerator;

Shred 1kg of weight & sharpen your focus by implementing 3 sustainable habits.

I've NEVER done this before but it's TOTALLY free.

Here's what you'll receive:

  • 2 x 1-to-1 Coaching Calls
  • a 10-day process to follow day by day
  • 3 personalised habits to execute & sustain
  • daily accountability

If you want in, all you have to do is reply ACCELERATE and I'll send you the link to get started.

Goal Mastery Newsletter

Unlock Your Mind & Master Goal Achievement Without Burnout.